Ashtanga yoga & Mysore style
Ashtanga yoga is a style of yoga that was born in India in a small city of Mysore.
For these reason the classes and the style of classes are called mysore classes.
The first texts about ashtanga yoga practice are found in yoga korunta and were taught by Vamana Rishi.
During the 1900´s these were taught to Sri T. krishnamacharya by guru Raman Mohan Brahmacharya,
There isn´t much information about Raman Mohan Brahmacharya except that he lived in Tibet near mont kailash.
Sri T Krishnamacharya, was responsible for finding Raman Mohan Brahmacharya. Upon being accepted he studied for years with him, returning to India after ending up later in Mysore "1924" .
By the time Krishnamacharya arrived to Mysore he was already well known in all India for his healing capabilities.
Sri T Krishnamacharia passed his teachings of ashtanga yoga to his student and Sri K Pattabhi Jois.
Ashtanga yoga is a style of yoga that was born in India in a small city of Mysore.
For these reason the classes and the style of classes are called mysore classes.
The first texts about ashtanga yoga practice are found in yoga korunta and were taught by Vamana Rishi.
During the 1900´s these were taught to Sri T. krishnamacharya by guru Raman Mohan Brahmacharya,
There isn´t much information about Raman Mohan Brahmacharya except that he lived in Tibet near mont kailash.
Sri T Krishnamacharya, was responsible for finding Raman Mohan Brahmacharya. Upon being accepted he studied for years with him, returning to India after ending up later in Mysore "1924" .
By the time Krishnamacharya arrived to Mysore he was already well known in all India for his healing capabilities.
Sri T Krishnamacharia passed his teachings of ashtanga yoga to his student and Sri K Pattabhi Jois.

Shri K Pattabhi Jois was born in 1915, in a small village called Kowshika, his father was an astroleger and a priest. He first got in contact with ashtanga when he saw krishnamacharya preforming a demonstration at his high school.
Pattabhy Jois studied with krishnamacharia for 25 years and learn ashtanga yoga as in yoga korunta. He dedicated his life treating people, teaching this method and studing Sanskrit. He taught ashtanga yoga for more than 70 years and brought this great method to the west where is now practiced by thousand people, who benefit and continue to practice these method.
Pattabhy Jois studied with krishnamacharia for 25 years and learn ashtanga yoga as in yoga korunta. He dedicated his life treating people, teaching this method and studing Sanskrit. He taught ashtanga yoga for more than 70 years and brought this great method to the west where is now practiced by thousand people, who benefit and continue to practice these method.

Sharath learn directly from Pattabhi Jois every morning since he was young. Being the nephew of Pattabhi Jois he had to wake up before everyone and would practice in front of gurujii, He is a direct descendent of Pattabhi Jois and the only student who knows and practices the six series of ashtnaga Yoga
His days start around 1 am, because these is the only time free to practice. After, around 4 am he opens the door of the Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute, in Mysore, India, and teaches western students until mid day, Later on he return´s to the shala and teaches the local residents from 4 pm to 6 pm.
Sharath dedicates most of his life and day practicing and teaching ashtanga yoga. He continues being an example of a true, genuine yogii. Living a simple life, together with his wife Shruthi daughter Shraddha and his son Sambhav, Practicing daily and dedicating is day teaching these method.
His days start around 1 am, because these is the only time free to practice. After, around 4 am he opens the door of the Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute, in Mysore, India, and teaches western students until mid day, Later on he return´s to the shala and teaches the local residents from 4 pm to 6 pm.
Sharath dedicates most of his life and day practicing and teaching ashtanga yoga. He continues being an example of a true, genuine yogii. Living a simple life, together with his wife Shruthi daughter Shraddha and his son Sambhav, Practicing daily and dedicating is day teaching these method.