Francisco ( Xico) Rodrigues.
Francisco was born in Sintra, in a small village. In is childwood he and his brother were separated from their mother and lived in their father´s a farm, spending most of their time with the farmers who took care of them in the absence of their father.
Raised to work from very early, he grew with a set mind of beeing tough and hard on yourself to be the right way of living.
Cooking, farming, caring wood or cleaning were part of his routine from the age of three.
Xico has a brother and four sisters, his closer brother Manu is only one year apart, they are inseparable and best friends until today.
They both were raised together, and they shared a passion for sports.
During adolescence Xico found yoga. His mother who was back in his life introduced him to this practice as a way to calm a personality that was now showing the first signs of rage and anger.
He started taking yoga more serious at the age of 20 after spending a couple of years feeling depressed, with low energy and disconnected from others.
“It was such a painful time, nothing made sense, I felt unmotivated, swinging from lack of energy or extreme anxiety. My friends felt distante and I felt like being inside a tunnel, deeper and farther away from life. “
At the age of 23 he travelled to India with the clear intention of finding the yogiis living in the Himalayas learning and living with them.
And that is what he did.
Living in India changed his life, the adventures in the Himalayas left a thread of learning that is still unfolding now days.
He returned to live in Portugal at the age of 28, and lives in Sintra where he was born.
His main ambition is to live a simple life. Learning from nature, being happy and following the way of love.
He spends most of his time farming, with his animals or rock climbing in the cliffs next to his house in Sintra.
Teaching Yoga evolved over the years, Xico never stops studing about movement, meditation and breathing techniques.
But a few things remains the same in his teachings
The intention to help others to heal, to find tranquility and Joy in life.
Francisco was born in Sintra, in a small village. In is childwood he and his brother were separated from their mother and lived in their father´s a farm, spending most of their time with the farmers who took care of them in the absence of their father.
Raised to work from very early, he grew with a set mind of beeing tough and hard on yourself to be the right way of living.
Cooking, farming, caring wood or cleaning were part of his routine from the age of three.
Xico has a brother and four sisters, his closer brother Manu is only one year apart, they are inseparable and best friends until today.
They both were raised together, and they shared a passion for sports.
During adolescence Xico found yoga. His mother who was back in his life introduced him to this practice as a way to calm a personality that was now showing the first signs of rage and anger.
He started taking yoga more serious at the age of 20 after spending a couple of years feeling depressed, with low energy and disconnected from others.
“It was such a painful time, nothing made sense, I felt unmotivated, swinging from lack of energy or extreme anxiety. My friends felt distante and I felt like being inside a tunnel, deeper and farther away from life. “
At the age of 23 he travelled to India with the clear intention of finding the yogiis living in the Himalayas learning and living with them.
And that is what he did.
Living in India changed his life, the adventures in the Himalayas left a thread of learning that is still unfolding now days.
He returned to live in Portugal at the age of 28, and lives in Sintra where he was born.
His main ambition is to live a simple life. Learning from nature, being happy and following the way of love.
He spends most of his time farming, with his animals or rock climbing in the cliffs next to his house in Sintra.
Teaching Yoga evolved over the years, Xico never stops studing about movement, meditation and breathing techniques.
But a few things remains the same in his teachings
The intention to help others to heal, to find tranquility and Joy in life.
1998 - Começou a aprender Yoga, em Sintra com a sua mãe.
2004 - Iniciou os estudos de Ashtanga yoga com o prof Tim Miller na California - Ashtanga Yoga Center.
2007 - Terminou o seu primeiro Teachers Training de 200 horas com o Tim Miller
2004 a 2007 - Fez cursos com Mathew Sweeney e com John friend sobre Anusara yoga
2004 a 2007 - Iniciou os seus estudos em Ayurveda.
2007 - Viajou para a Índia onde viveu até 2010
Enquanto vivia na Índia formou se com.
2007 a 2008 - Rolf e Marcy Naoujokat em Goa ( Terceiras series de Ashtanga Yoga )
2008 a 2012 - Sri K Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois e Saraswati no SKPJ Ashtanga
Yoga Research Institute, Mysore India.
2010 - Recebe Autorizado nível dois por o Instituto SKPJ de Ashtanga Yoga na Índia,
2013 - É convidado para ensinar no SKPJ Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute .ao lado do Mestre Sharth Jois
2007 - Caminhada de 360 K até ao templo de Quedarnath nos Himalayas. Viveu 1 mês com as tribos sagradas da índia nos Himalayas
2013 - Conduz uma entrevista a Sharath Jois para a revista Zen.
2018 - Cursos de movimento com: Ido Portal - Marcello Palazzo - Odelia Gold - Shaifaran.
2021 - Faz documentário Sobre Yoga e Escalada para a televisão americana ESPN
2021/ 2022- Dedica todo o seu tempo a praticar e a desenvolver um novo conceito de yoga através de longos períodos de prática de improvisação que levam a um estado de concentração profundo e assim parte à descoberta de uma linha completamente distinta, introduzindo no mundo do yoga, novas formas de movimento, postura e perícia.
2023 - Como forma de entender melhor a respiração inicia treinos de respiração e apeneia com João Pedro Parisot @ wavecrushers-trainingsystem.
Particularidades :
Francisco nasceu e vive em um ambiente de desporto e aventura, criado numa Quinta em Sintra
A sua conexão com a natureza, agricultura e animais vêm desde a sua infância.
As suas aulas proporcionam um ambiente de comunidade de igualdade e trazem calma, felicidade saúde e bem estar.
A maior paixão do Francisco é aprender: O processo de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento da mente das capacidades físicas, e respiratórias são a sua grande paixão.
Francisco é também muito ligado à tradição e a metafisica e está sempre em busca de saber mais sobre o conhecimento tradicional que está presente em todas as culturas espalhadas pelo mundo.
Yoga é para ele uma forma nos mantermos saudável e de curar assim como de encontrar tranquilidade, concentração e felicidade, e seguir o caminho do AMOR